Generating Documentation


These docs are for Scribe for JS v1, which is no longer maintained. See for Scribe for JS v2.

To generate your API documentation, use the scribe generate command.

npx scribe generate -a <your-app-file> -s <your-server-file>
  • Your “app file” is the file where you create your Express app and attach routes. Usually an index.js or app.js.
  • Your server file is the file where you actually start your server (usually by calling app.listen()). Sometimes it’s the same as your app file, sometimes is’s a different file (like bin/www).

Running this command will:

  • extract information about your API and endpoints from your app file
  • start your app using node <your-server-file> (if you supplied one with -s <your-server-file>) in order to extract possible responses
  • generate documentation about your endpoints as a series of Markdown files
  • pass these Markdown files to Pastel, which wraps the Markdown files in a HTML, CSS and JavaScript template.

Viewing the generated docs

To access your generated docs, find the index.html file in your outputPath folder (by default, public/docs) and open that in your browser.

Configuring interactive documentation

When interactive is set to true (which is also the default value) in your config, Scribe will add a “Try It Out” button to your endpoints so users can test them from their browser.

For this to work, though, you’ll need to make sure CORS is enabled.

Postman collection generation

By default, a Postman collection file which you can import into API clients like Postman or Insomnia is generated alongside your docs. You can view it by visiting public/docs/collection.json. This link will also be added to the sidebar of your docs.

You can configure Postman collection generation in the postman section of your .scribe.config.js file.

  • To turn it off, set the postman.enabled config option to false.
  • To override some fields in the generated collection, set the postman.overrides config option to your changes. You can use dot notation to update specific nested fields. For instance, {'info.version': '2.0.0'} will override the ‘versionkey in the 'info object whenever generating.

OpenAPI (Swagger) spec generation

Scribe can also generate an OpenAPI spec file. This is disabled by default. You can configure this in the openapi section of your scribe.config.js file.

  • To enable it, set the openapi.enabled config option to true.
  • To override some fields in the generated spec, set the openapi.overrides config option to your changes. You can use dot notation to update specific nested fields. For instance, {'info.version': '2.0.0'} will override the ‘versionkey in the 'info object whenever generating.

You can view the generated spec by visiting public/docs/openapi.yaml for static. This link will also be added to the sidebar of your docs.

Skipping the extraction phase

If you’ve modified the generated Markdown, and you only want Scribe to transform it to the normal HTML output, you can use the --no-extraction flag. Scribe will skip extracting data from your routes and go straight to the writing phase, where it converts your Markdown to HTML or Blade. See Advanced Customization.

Overwriting your changes to the Markdown

If you’ve modified the generated Markdown manually, but you’d like to discard your changes and re-generate based on the data Scribe extracts from your routes, you can pass the --force flag.

Further customization [coming soon]

Sometimes you need to modify the documentation after it has been generated. See the guide on customization for help on doing that.