Adding general information about your API


These docs are for Scribe for JS v1, which is no longer maintained. See for Scribe for JS v2.

Authentication information

You can add authentication information for your API using the auth section in .scribe.config.js.


Scribe uses your specified authentication information in three places:

  • Generating an “Authentication” section in your docs
  • Adding authentication parameters to your example requests for endpoints marked as @authenticated (or if you have with auth.default = true)
  • Adding the necessary auth parameters with the specified value to response calls for endpoints marked as @authenticated (or if you have with auth.default = true)

Here’s how you’d configure auth with a query parameter named apiKey:

module.exports = {
    // ...
    auth: {
        enabled: true,
        in: 'query',
        name: 'apiKey',
        useValue: () => process.env.SCRIBE_API_KEY,
        placeholder: 'YOUR-API-KEY',
        extraInfo: 'You can retrieve your key by going to settings and clicking <b>Generate API key</b>.',
    // ...

If apiKey were to be a body parameter, the config would be same. Just set in to 'body'.

Here’s an example with a bearer token (also applies to basic auth, if you change in to 'basic'):

module.exports = {
    // ...
    auth: {
        enabled: true,
        in: 'bearer',
        name: 'hahaha', // <--- This value is ignored for bearer and basic auth
        useValue: () => process.env.SCRIBE_API_KEY,
        placeholder: '{ACCESS_TOKEN}',
        extraInfo: 'You can retrieve your token by visiting your dashboard and clicking <b>Generate API token</b>.',
    // ...

And here’s an example with a custom header:

module.exports = {
    // ...
    auth: {
        enabled: true,
        in: 'header',
        name:  'Api-Key', // <--- The name of the header
        useValue: () => process.env.SCRIBE_API_KEY,
        placeholder: 'YOUR-API-KEY',
        extraInfo: 'You can retrieve your token by visiting your dashboard and clicking <b>Generate API token</b>.',
    // ...

You can set whatever you want as the extraInfo. A good idea would be to tell your users where to get their auth key.

The useValue field is only used by Scribe for response calls. It won’t be included in the generated output or examples. You can specify a hardcoded value or a function that will be called during the response call. The placeholder is the opposite of useValue. It will be used only as a placeholder in the generated example requests.

For more information, see the reference documentation on the auth section.

Introductory text

The introText key in .scribe.config.js is where you can set the text shown to readers in the “Introduction” section. If your text is too long to be put in a config file, you can create a containing the intro text and put it in the resources/docs folder.


You can set the HTML <title> for the generated documentation, and the name of the generated Postman collection by setting the title key in .scribe.config.js. If you leave it as null, Scribe will infer it from the value of config('').